Friday, June 14, 2019

Write The Docs 2019

The following is a summary of some of the presentations I attended and enjoyed.

Draw the Docs presented by Alicja Raszkowska was interesting as she advocated for using more graphics (particularly cartoons) in technical documentation. While I enjoy the notion of this, one must know their audience before they can start adding cartoons to illustrate their product and/or points. She is also developing a tool called mermaid that creates visual content similar to Visio but with custom images and markdown input.

Sarah Moir's presentation called "Just Add Data: Make it easier to prioritize your documentation" makes a good case for using analytics and other feedback to sort out prioritization of which documents should get the tech writer's attention.

Matt Reiner gave a very energetic presentation called "Show Me the Money: How to Get Your Docs the Love and Support They Deserve" which outlines how to make a business case for getting more resources for documentation. In Matt's presentation, he provides a good and detailed method for creating a business case and how to pitch it to management. I believe this is a good resource for all tech writers!

"How to edit other people's content without pissing them off" by Ingrid Towey was an interesting presentation on editing other people's content. The four principles are as follows: Assure that the content originator that we are all on the same side, when editing content, it's an edit and not an edict, explain why you're editing their content (preferable before you do it), and get help when thinks don't go smoothly. Good idea if one isn't already applying this.

Kathleen Juell's "Writer? Editor? Teacher?" presentation basically provided parallels to how tech writers can leverage teaching philosophy (particular college level) to technical writing. The topics she covered was basic documentation layout, design, and goals, providing templates, peer editing/reviews, and writing like as a teacher or an editor (clarify, explain, and goals). As a former college teacher myself, I see the lines between a teacher and tech write to be very blurry.

Shannon Crabill provided some thoughts and guidelines for how to manage documentation for an open source project in her talk called "Documenting for Open Source". Some tips include avoid assuming the technical knowledge of your readers (one should include a requirements section in your guides as to not lead on the readers who may get frustrated layer in the document when they discover they cannot complete it), README files are required, how to get users started, provide yourself or your team with templates (to avoid issues like duplicate PRs), and always provide links to any and all resources.

Heather Stenson provided some thoughts on how to get non-writers to contribute to documentation in a presentation called "Any friend of the docs is a friend of mine: Cultivating a community of documentation advocates". She defined who "friends of docs" are (those who write but are not technical writers), the different levels of friends of docs, how to get people to contribute more, strategies to find, support, communicate, and provide feedback to these friends, how to overcome obstacles friends of docs may encounter, and how to continue building this doc-friendly culture.

Chris Bush gave a dry-humor filled presentation called "SDK Reference Manuals: A flow-based approach". Overall it was dry but reassured that the process for creating, maintaining, and updating SDK docs haven't really changed all that much in years.

This conference also live-streamed and posted all their presenters on this YouTube playlist: